Side effects.

The latest side-effects of mind control (otherwise known as escitalopram) include dreaming about making a cup of tea, and inanimate objects starting to move independently.

I was warned of “vivid dreams” but I was expecting them to be interesting ones. I can only reason that the drug affects sleep cycles as I have been waking up four or five times a night from dreams of mundane activities. Granted they are vivid to the extent that I am not always sure that they were dreams, but I would have like a more exciting dream than walking down the road or reading comments on this blog, as was the most recent.

The prize for most unusual side effect goes to “excessive yawning”. I laughed when I saw that on the list of common side effects and thought of the people who must have reported every little thing that they experienced over their treatment, but I have found yawns escaping every ten minutes or so for the past three days so I suppose I will let them off..

The most worrying side effect so far is apparently vertigo. I’ve never been sure exactly what vertigo is and have always associated it with thoughts of people falling off ladders, but apparently the term also applies to pillows, walls and carpets beginning to ‘breathe’. I don’t really know how to explain it beyond that; last night things around me began to expand and contract to their own rhythms as if breathing.

This might sound a bit mad coming from someone with extreme emetophobia, but nausea has become my favourite side effect. I like that there is a reason for it, and my mind can rest a little instead of stretching to the far corners of the abstract to find an unlikely, illogical cause for the sensation. I like not having to think about why I feel sick, it is rather liberating!

And some good things for the day:
1. Having internet back in the new house! I have missed it..
2. Conspicuously following people through the fruit and veg aisle
3. Chocolate cake (I needed to test drive the oven, of course)


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