Beyond enough.

In my determination to remain un-medicated, I am going to try some daft things with questionable efficacy – and you’ll see if they actually work because I will stop posting about how ill I am and start talking about having a life. Mental health stuff is a way of life, and I am about to start breaking the rules my brain has created in its vastly excessive attempts to keep me safe, so this is going to be rather tricky and I am going to need all the support I can get. Typing this out to post to a public place feels like a tremendous commitment and that’s why I am doing so, because I need people to know that I really, really want rid of these rules that suffocate me like a hundred particularly itchy scarves worn simultaneously.


As a little starting step, for as long as I remember to do so (realistically don’t expect more than a week or two) I am going to end every blog post with three things I am grateful for or things that made me happy that day. I need to be nicer to myself and stop being angry at myself for being ill. It is not – and has never been – my fault.

So a few things that made me happy today:
1. My dog falling asleep on my feet
2. The sound of my mum clattering around the house making odd noises
3. Waking up to see a cluster of damp, windswept chickens waddling about the garden doing chicken things

3 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. tdawneightyone
    Dec 15, 2013 @ 23:37:45

    I once told myself I would think about my favorite part of the day before falling asleep. Pondering about who would ever think up a booger sucker for kids and other nonsense got in the way within a week. I like your idea though. Good luck on this journey. You got my support. Be careful though.


    • Kitty
      Dec 16, 2013 @ 10:15:55

      Thank you! I know what you mean, it is very easy to forget or get distracted.. I’ve tried the gratitude approach before and it worked really well for the 3 weeks I remembered to do it, the sun came out for a little while. Hoping for something similar again!


  2. girlychristina
    Dec 16, 2013 @ 00:43:33

    Great post =) It’s nice to recognize the simple things in life that make us happy. =)



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